Achieving the AAI: AWS Authorized Instructor Certification
I am thrilled to announce that I have achieved the AAI: AWS Authorized Instructor certification. This may not mean much on its own, but in the context of my career and personal goals, it means a lot to me. I have always loved to learn and to share what I've learned with others. I believe that knowledge is one of the biggest levers we have, and achieving authorization from AWS to share my knowledge with others is the cherry on top of the cake.
Over the last year, I have learned a lot about AWS and shared as much as possible with my friends, clients, and colleagues, but in an informal way. Now, with the AAI certification, I will be able to provide proper training. This was only possible thanks to my tecRacer colleagues. The Train the Trainer program was incredibly helpful, and the AWS study materials and tips on how to manage a classroom, create the right environment for students to learn, and ask questions, helped me get here.
The assessment was really difficult, but the environment was perfect: friendly and chill, but at the same time, super assertive and demanding. I learned so much preparing for this and during the assessment. I can't wait to deliver my first AWS training to clients and start applying everything I've learned.
Once again, a new journey is just beginning. It's time to give back to the community that helped me to get here. I am excited to continue learning and sharing my knowledge with others through proper training and certification. I would like to thank tecRacer and AWS for providing me with the tools and resources to achieve this certification and for supporting me throughout the journey.