This was my first re:invent and boy, oh boy, it was overwhelming in a good way. I want more!
It was my first time outside of Europe, and I have to say, jetlag is a real thing, with 8 hours difference I was waking up at 3 am every day and trying to enjoy the full day as if it was nothing, and you know what, the time just flys by in re:invent Las Vegas.
I was in re:invent as invite from ABW Grant, THANKS AWS Comunity Builder program for allowing me to have this experience, I sadly can't afford from my own finances to justify a 7.000€ trip to Las Vegas, but if it's worth it, I definitly belive so.
You can have a lot of the AWS experience on YouTube but there is something that you can't replicate remotely, the vibe of all these AWS Comunity Builders, AWS Heros, and Amazonians who just want to share as much as possible, they want you to grow with them, they want your success!
I was lucky to meet other AAIs share my experiences as an AAI and learn from them as well.
No matter where you come from, or who you are, AWS re:invent will transform your cloud career to the next level.
If you can afford it, just don't think twice and go!
If you can't afford it, keep contributing to the community and you will see that like what happened to me, you may as well be elected to the AWS ABW Grant and have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Because pictures are worth thousands of words, here are some for you: