It was a pleasure to be invited to give a talk about AWS at ISCTE Universiry.
This was a guide for the students during the class and I will keep this post alive for now in case some student needs it.
Let's build a website with hugo and AWS Amplify
- Head to and create and account.
2. Fork the demo repository

3. Access your AWS Console, if you don't have a user, create one.
4. Search for service AWS Amplify
or click here.

5. Get Started
-> Amplify Hosting
-> Get started
(If you don't see this screen, the options are: New App
-> Host web app

6. GitHub

7. Select your repo (if first time, you need to give autorizaiton)

8. Select Branch main

9. Next -> Next -> Next
10. Save and Deploy
Your Website will apear building

When Finished you will see it complete and you can click the temporary URL to access it. You can later associate a pretty domain name.